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Read the excerpt from the play Nuroldiner sara Jiban by Sayed Shamsul Haq and answer the questions

Get ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, wake, and start up. Look with careful eyes, listen with careful ears Listen carefully, brothers mine. [...] Nabab Sirajuddaulah has been defeated at Plassey The Gora [...] company rules the country now. The Gora playes four tricks to rule seating on my chest.

Debi Singh extracts taxes tying ropes around my throat, Tying the ropes around my throat he declares Pay the taxes with the bulls and cash money. Look at his tricks, brothers mine; If you want to sell rice you have to go to Mahajan, I grow rice; I grow jute with blood-like sweat, The Mahajan buys rice with the price of his sweet will. I pay the taxes with the rice money; what is left child to eat? The tiller goes to the kutial (indigo planter] to borrow, Accepting a high interest rate, the tiller borrows rice, How do I pay back the borrowing? Again I borrow, Giving my cows and bull, giving my land, giving my land, giving everything

(Translated as Nuroldin by Khairul Haque Chowdhury)

The figure of speech 'blood-like' in line 12 is an example of_

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago

A literary term is a word or phrase that describes a specific aspect of literature, such as a figure of speech, a narrative technique, a genre, or a type of writing. For example, metaphor, irony, satire, and allegory are all literary terms.

A genre is a category of literature that is defined by its form, content, and style. Genres can be broad, such as poetry, fiction, and drama; or they can be specific, such as romance, mystery, and science fiction. Genres help readers and writers to classify and analyze literary works. For example, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, which is a genre of drama.

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