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 Once a bird is brought to a rehabilitation center, basic procedures are followed. First, the bird is sedated, if necessary, and examined to detect broken bones, cuts or other injuries. Next, oil is flushed from its eyes and intestines. Heavily oiled birds are then wiped with adsorbent cloths to remove patches of oil. Stomach -coating medicines may be administered orally to prevent additional absorption of oil inside the bird's stomach. The bird is then warmed and placed in a quiet area. Finally, Curtains are often hung around the area to limit the bird's contact with people. 

The spelling of " center " is -

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

Spelling Mistakes

ভাষাজ্ঞান যাচাইয়ের জন্য Spelling একটি অন্যতম মাধ্যম। তাই কিছু কিছু পরীক্ষায় প্রার্থীর বানান সচেতনতা যাচাই করতে Misspelled Words এর মধ্য থেকে সঠিক বানান বিশিষ্ট শব্দটি বের করতে বলা হয়। বানানে দক্ষতা অর্জনের জন্য অনুশীলনের বিকল্প নেই।


accommodation, accelerate, ascertain, acquiesce, ambassador, aquarium, abbreviation, annihilate, amateur, ambiguous, archaeology, assessment, admission, anemia, altogether, achieve, accompany, accrue, acquisition, adequate, alliance, anonymous, anxiety, abhorrence, abstinence, acceleration, acclamation, accomplishment, agglomerate, aggression, apparatus, artillery, affiliation, aggravate, anniversary. accumulation, acquaintance, attendance, assassination, accessories, aggressive, announcement, assurance, alleviation, adolescence, appreciate, astronauts, acclaimed.


bureaucracy, billionaire, balloon, benevolence, bequeath, beginning, barrack, brilliant, bulletin, buffalo, baccalaureate, bureau, barricade, beverage, bioscope, boycott, bouquet, banned, bacteria, bourgeoisie.


cadaverous, column, curfew, cafeteria, constellation, census, competition, champagne, cemetery, chancellor, colleague, commission, commissioner, commemorate, committee, conceive, curriculum. curvaceous, commit, callous, conscience, carrier, courier, cafeteria, challenge, characteristic, chauffeur, collision, counselor, connotation,  catastrophe, corroborate, catalogue, campaign, chancellor, correspondence, cylinder, conveyance, colossal, cigarette, 


dilemma, diligent, discipline, deleterious, deference, desiccate, diphtheria, dexterous, diagnosis, doctrinaire, decision, deceive, demonstrate, discrimination, development, destitute, dyeing, dialogue, dimension, dysentery, dynamite, deceit, dumbfounding, dictionary, depression, declaration.


embarrassment, embassy, exaggerate, exiguous, extraneous, embarrass, equilibrium, ecstasy, efficient, enroll, enrol , exclamatory, exemplary, encyclopedia/ encyclopaedia,  epidemic, embellished, eccentric, entertainment, endeavor, excessive, elementary, enthusiasm, exhilaration, elephantiasis, embedded. endorsement, etiquette, embroider, enamour /enamor, exhibition, experiment, equinox, electricity, enthusiastic, expedient, expression.


fallacious, feeble, fascination, feminine, floriculture, fundamentalism, frustration, forgery, fulfil fulfill, fourteen, fullness, factitious, foreign, forfeit, follicle, gazette, gazetteer, grammar, guarantee, gymnasium, geology, grieve, garrison, guerrilla, gallery, grievance, giraffe, galaxy.


harmony, helicopter, homogeneous, heterogeneous, hurricane, humorous, hideous, hygienic, hallucination. hostility, hindrance, height, hypocrisy, haphazard, hydraulic, harassment, haggling, humiliate, hostage, hygiene


indigenous, indispensable, inference, irresistible, independence, indiscriminately, ideology, immense, interrupt, inoculate, irrelevant, intelligibility, instantaneous, intellectual, installation, inaugurate, irreparable, inaccessible, jealous, journalism, jubilee, juvenile, juxtapose, knight, knighthood. kaleidoscope, lieutenant, locomotive, leisure, litterateur, license, linguistics, luggage, luxuries, league. It's not a book, it's your buddy


machinery, magazine, magistrate,  massacre, messenger, merchandise, memorandum, merriment, meticulous, microscope, misanthrope, mortgage, message, millennium, misspell, maintenance, miscellaneous, , mountebank, millionaire, malnourished, monolingual, mongoose, mausoleum, mileage, niece, ninety, ninth, nursery, negligence, novelette, nuisance, occasion, occur, occurrence, overwhelming, obnoxious, ominous, orthodox, onomatopoeia, ocean, oppressive, observance, obedience.


palatable, pamphlet, pantheism, papyrus, privilege, possession, pneumonia, penicillin, progressive, psychology, parliament, perseverance, personal, personnel, pigeon, pneumonia, proceed, passenger, parallel, phenomenon, possessor, procession, proprietor, preliminary, persistence, panacea.


quotation, qualification, quarrel, quarrelsome, questionnaire, queue, quorum, reception, recipient, recreation, republic, repentance, rhododendron, recommendation, relevant, remittance, repugnance, retirement, radical, recession, reconciliation, refrigerator, reluctant, representative, respiration, revulsion, restaurant, recurrence, receive, resistance, reputation, repetition, relief, religious, renaissance, relentless, rehearsal, reminiscence,


sabotage, script, senate, sociology, sphinx, strategy, supercilious, surgery, sympathize, sanction, schedule, sculpture, secretary, sensation, souvenir, stenograph, stubbornness, superintendent, surveillance, surplus, sympathy, sandwich, scissors, seismography, separate, sovereignty, stipend, summit, supersede, supervision, susceptible, synecdoche, separate separation, satellite, spontaneous, secretariat, sovereign, sobriety, Saturday, seize, superstition, suppression, sustainability, succession, simultaneously, segregate, Shakespeare, supersede, souvenir.


taxation, tenacious, tournament, transaction, transparency, tuition, technology, tension, toxic, transfiguration, typhoid, temperature, tranquility, translucent, tuberculosis, thesaurus, tongue, tolerance, tranquility, transference, tsunami, traveler, traveled, tremendous, twelve, technique, theatre, tolerance, tranquil, transitory.


unique, umbrella, uranium, utilitarian, vacuum, vaccinate, vacillate, valuable, vengeance, vegetarian, ventilator, vulnerable, voluptuous, vehicle, vicissitude, voluntary, welcome, welfare, wellbeing, winner, willful, whether, warrantee, warrior, withdraw, wrangler, wrapper, whimsical, yeoman, youngster, zoology, zealous, zigzag, zeugma

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