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We are now living in the second great epoch of discovery and invention. Since the seventeenth century, the discovery of steam power, gas electricity, and radiation have resulted in the invention of innumerable appliances and instruments of work that have made life easy for us. The new technology, in fact, has transformed the simple agricultural communities of earlier centuries into complex and impersonal societies. The technological revolution has also had a decisive influence on all our habits and thought processes. Moreover, it has led to the spread of capitalism and an increase in the amount of wealth. Machines have also become o much more important in our lives because of the technological revolution  D. Finally, It is true to say, the process has confessed has concentrated wealth and power in the hands of those who won the machines, that is to say, the capitalists.

Innumerable is used here as a ---.

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত প্রত্যেকটি শব্দকে Parts of Speech বলা হয়। 

Rahim eats rice (রহিম ভাত খায়।) এই Sentenceটিতে Rahim, eats এবং rice এই তিনটি Word আছে।এইভাবে প্রতিটি Sentence এর মধ্যে বিভিন্ন রকমের Word বা শব্দ ব্যবহার করা হয়, এগুলি Sentence এর একটি Part বা অংশ, এগুলিকেই Parts Of Speech বলে।

Parts of Speech মোট ৮ প্রকার। যথা:

1. Noun

2. Pronoun

3. Adjective

4. Verb

5. Adverb

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction &

8. Interjection

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