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F ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

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Treaty of Westphalia
Maastricht Treaty
Treaty of Rome
Treate of Versaillies
Liberty, Equality and Frateternity
Liberty, Equality and Legality
Liverty, Constitutionality and Legality
Liberty, humanity and Fraternity
Salaman Rushdi
Chetan Bhagat
Shiv Kunal Verma
Arundhuti Roy
National Disaster Response Force
National Disaster Management Force
National Disaster Security Force
National Disaster Rehabilitation Force
income earned by households
the income received by households plus
the economic welfare of a nation
the final output of goods and services produced in an economy
Speaker's vote
chief whip's vote
Prime Minister's vote
President's vote