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F ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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go only under compulsion
not go under compulsion
go when he is forced to
not go without compelling
ensconce, conscientious
masquerade, equitable
shelter, scrupulous
demonstrate, flawed
Mr. Bhuban,A
my friend and professor,B
is known for,C
the sir good behaviourD
Many times the news has been published
in the papers that the end of the world will be certain
if a nuclear war breaks out
no error
If something important is being done, work is being done to make change happen
If something important is done, work is done to make change happen
Something important is being done by you, you are making change happen
If important work is being done, change is about to happen
It restates the idea in the first sentence
It states an efficet
It gives an example
It draws a conclusion from the idea in the first sentence
to look for a place to live
to look for a job
to beg on the streets
none of the above
Money and possession create hapiness
Happiness can never be proportionate to income
proverty and destitution create unhapiness
Man is happy when he is admired by other people
talking about action without intent to follow throuth
boasting with prejudice
declaring particular target
nonchalant expression of action