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F ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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exhibiting, flashing
boasting nodding
promoting, indicating
showcasing, signaling
until, bickering
unless, ramifications
without, angle
given, ending
All the members of the committee areA                                       B
All the members of the committee areA                                       B
Kindly requested to appearC
in the next meetingD
No strongerA
figure than hisB
is prescribed in the historyC
he couldn't but help
shedding tears at the plight of the villagers
rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone
no error
She said that she didn't know the way and did I know it.
She said that she didn't know the way and asked me if I did
She told that She was not knowing the way, but wondered if knew.
She asked me if I knew the way which she didn't
in the midst of rising popularity of
due to the gain in popularity of
since the popularity of
no improvement required
The judge having decided the case
On account of decision from the judge
From the decision of the judge
Because of the judge deciding
If repeats the idea stated in the first sentence
It presents a contradiction
It provides supporting evidence.
It draws a conclusion
Conventions and morals are intertwined ideas.
conventions are more practiced than etymological ideas
Convertions and morals both are derived form customs
Conventions are aimed at health and preservation of a group

Renaissance is the name given to the civilization, which began in Italy in the 14th century. reached its height in the 15th, and spread to the rest of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. The word means "Rebirth" and refers to the discovery of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, which was one of the characteristic happenings of the Renaissance. But, in fact, that was only one of the things discovered at that time, for it was a great period of discovery of all kinds of new worlds, new scientific laws, new kinds of art and, above all, new strengths and possibilities of man himself. It would be better to define the word Renaissance as "new birth", and even that would not be quite correct since the Renaissance grew naturally out of the middle ages and was not a sudden occurrence. The Renaissance is the beginning of the modern world. The forms of literature and art which were invented then are still in use today, and the political, economic and religious ideas which govern our lives were first formulated then.
discovery of new scientific laws
discovery of the ancient civilizations of Italy and Romania
Discovery of all kinds of new worlds
Impotance of the Renaissance
Criticism of the Renaissance
Explanation of the Renaissance
Praise of Renaissance
The renaissance occurred quite suddenly
The renaissance is the beginning of a newly discovered world
Defining the renaissance as 'new birth' is not completely correct
The renaissance as grew naturally out of the prehistoric ages
the 1500s-1600s
the 1600s-1700s
the 1700s-1800s
the 1400s-1700s