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খ ইউনিট ২০১২-২০১৩ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2012

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মানুষরূপী জন্তুগুলো
ভিনদেশী অভিযানকারী
পাকিস্তানি হানাদার বাহিনী
বুনো স্বভাবের মানুষেরা
মজিদের প্রতি মানুষের অমানবিক আচরণে
মজিদের প্রতি মানেুষের ভুল ধারনায়
এইডস বিষয়ে জ্ঞান শূন্যের কাছাকাছি
ডকুমেন্টারি তৈরির দায়িত্ব পড়ায়
সন্ধ্যার উন্মেষ
অনেক পাতা
সিক্ত নীলাম্বরী
কনক -লতা
যেন শ্মাশান পল্লী
যেন কলোরার মহামারী
খাঁ খাঁ প্রান্তর
ভাঙা হাট
মানুষের হৃদয়বৃত্তি
মানুষের নিষ্ঠুতা
মানুষের আচরন
মানুষের বিস্মৃতি

There are some qualities of a sonnet which make it different from other verse forms. Its definite restrictions make it a challenge to the artistry of the poet and call for all the Technic skills at the poet’s command. The more or less set rhyme patterns occurring regularly within the short space of fourteen lines afford a pleasant effect:on the ear of the reader, and can create truly musical effects. The rigidity of the form precludes too great economy or too great prodigality of. words. Emphasis is placed on exactness and perfection of expression. The brevity of form favours concentrated
expression of ideas or passion.

identify the characteristic of a sonnet
contract different types of sonnets
criticize the limitations of the sonnet
teach readers to compose proper sonnet
strong disapprobation
effusive enthusiasm
scholarly appreciation
amused toleration
regularity rhyme patterns
suitable words
verse form
sy, cheif, pollution
consider, primary, scarcity
think, main, pollution
count, only, filth

The engraver, painter and point William Blake (1757-1827) was one of the most extraordinary figures of the Romantic period. AS child he claimed to have seen a tree filled with angels, ‘bespangling every bough like stars’. Blake went on to develop an intensely person art which drew upon a range of literary, mythical and biblical sources to expound a unique and mysterious vision. Borne  in London, Blake was first apprenticed to an engraver. And next. Blake made studies of London churches before studying briefly at the Royal Academy Schools. Here, however he was not interested  in painting in oil, neither was he concerned with the academic  work of sir Joshu Reynolds or what the academy stood for. A supporter of the French and the American revolutions, Blake turned his back on organized religion, believing that only artists were in touch with divine inspiration. In every Way, Blake was and archetypal Romantic — individualistic, solitary, and out of step with the rational thinking that had become so influential in the second part of the 18th century. Imagination and creative process were & what interested him; his art was  means to express the very intense nature of his revelatory experiences.

Black had a strange way of life
Black had diverse interest
Black studenties an extrordinary form of art
Black was a solitary man
he was often drugged
he was in love with nature
he was a visionary
angels were in the paintings
He did not believe in God and religion
For Black religion was a matter of inner feeling
He believed religion was determined by the chruch
Blake was a strict follower of the English chriush
intense love for nature
reason and logic
love for religion