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All Question - (22970)

Rich is not always happy
The rich is not always happy
The rich is not happy always
The rich are not always happy
He had been hunged for murder
He has been hunged for murder
He was hanged for murder
He was hunged of murder
Manner of speech
Sentence building
Supplementary tax
Synchrounizing act
Let he and you be witnesses
Let you and him be witnesses
Let you and he be witnesses
Let you and he be witnesses
The matter was informed to the police
The matter has been informed of the police
The police was informed of the matter
The police were informed of the matter
Demonstrative pronoun
Relative pronoun
Reflaxive pronoun
Indefinite pronoun
a tragedy by Shakespeare
a play By G. B. Shaw
a poem by Lord Byron
a novel by S. T. Coleridge