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English First Paper

একাদশ- দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি || ঢাকা বোর্ড || 2023

  • (02)

    Read the following text and make a flow chart showing Jerry's extraordinary character in each of the boxes. (No.1 has been done for you.)

    At daylight I was half-awakened by the sound of chopping. Again it was so even in texture that I went back to sleep. When I left my bed in the cool morning, the boy had come and gone, and a stack of kindling was neat against the cabin wall. He came after school in the afternoon and worked until time to return to the orphanage. His name was Jerry...... he had been at the orphanage since he was four. I could picture him at four, with the same grave gray-blue eyes and the same independence. No, the word that comes to me is 'integrity'. It is bedded on courage, but it is more than brave. It is honest, but it is more than honesty. The axe handle broke one day. Jerry said the woodshop at the orphanage would repair it. I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it. "I'll pay for it," he said. "I broke it. I brought the axe down careless." "But no one hits accurately every time." I told him. "The fault was in the wood of the handle. I'll see the man from whom I bought it." It was only then that he would take the money. He was standing back of his own carelessness. He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge.



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